Wednesday, January 23, 2013

:: Susah Senang ::

Hari ni, 2nd trial... Cupcakes...

Orang sekarang, sikit2 buat red velvet la..

Tp, sbb namapun trial, alhirnya terjadi bluemoon ngn greeny vanilla cupcakes:)

Sebab x byk benda nak buat, tu yg masuk dapur... Kalau x, mim alif lam sin.tengah belajar, apa yg patut and x patut dibuat.sambil tu dpt belajar susah senang duduk di dapur.. Hahaha

Version utk someone special akan ditry once dia balik dr kapal...should be better than yg sekarang...

....cuba jgn x cuba


Monday, January 21, 2013

new year, new age

Baru nk start me-value added blog lps sakan bercuti..

Xde summary 2012 pun coz kt celebrate new year di Seri Bakti.. Really fun.. Musical chair champion 2012 siapa ye?
Yes, you...

Pic below ni juz sikit summary utk 2012 :)

And hari ni, husbnd tercinta dah pun tamat zaman he is still on SB, i just want to write to him, here that .....

Abg,syg miss you a lot and soo soo sorry coz not being there right beside you on your special day..You had been with me all the time during 12 Oct, but syg still x dapat balas balik all the best moments shared.nk thanks byk2 kat abg coz abg dah bg mcm 2 kat syg.You are the best hero and husband bg syg.

Here is for you

Smoga we both bhgia eva after..