Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Resolution.. argh.. bosan.. satu konsep yang membosankan..

kalau buat pun mesti perkara2 yang sama je.. jadi, tak payah buat..
lagi satu, time span satu tahun memang tak sempat nyer nak cover aku punya resolution2 neh.. hahaha..
yup, banyak gila aku punya resolution..
plus, yg tahun2 lepas punya..
banyak yang separuh siap dan separuh masak..
so utk tahun depan, resolution aku, takde apa2..
aku nak redah jer..
akhir tahun boleh la aku berbangga dengan diri aku sendiri..
ye la.. resolution tercapai..
kan2??.. ngahaha..

takde apa yg best..
banyak yg tak best..
erm.. amat banyak..
7 bulan terbazir mcm tu jer..
tapi nak buat macam mana..
dah kerja aku macam tu..
"fardu kifayah".. kata ustazah aku dulu..
kalau semua tak nak buat, siapa nak buat??..
tapi tak semua faham, my will is good.. ngahaha
so, 2008.. berambus..

looking forward to it..
makin tua..
tu je la kot...

... aku ingat nak cover lagu neh, (rosakkan lagu neh) tapi tak sampai hati sbb best.. ngahaha.. apehal pun.. SELAMAT TAHUN BARU.. ( aku countdown depan tv jer, kat luar hujan.. bunga api kompem tak nyala punya.. lampu jalan pun aku tengok macam segan2 jer nak nyala.. ngahaha)

It's silent in the early Morning
The only sound is My breathing
as i lay awake not knowing
where it will be,i'm going

but i know
time moves slow
at 12:59
i sing lullaby
and if you want me to sing you a Song
i know that there's a 12:59 lullaby
to like

i'll sing the next hour through
it falls to the next so soon
well my guitar waits for i too
where are the songs played gone to

... yesterday is all I got, but at lease I know I made it count

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

sehari di Kg. BALUN

ok.. aku mulakan dengan definisi BALUN :

as per wiki .. here ..
as per DBP .. here .. dan korang search Balun..

aku nyer definasi... cerita balun!! ngahaha.. lucah!!

dah.. habis kat situ, so sekarang neh aku nak cerita peristiwa di kg. BALUN.. (ngahaha.. aku mesti nak gelaknya bila sebut perkataan neh.. so kalau korang pun sama, bagitahu aku supaya aku tahu aku normal..)

peristiwa neh terjadi pada 27 dan 28 hb december lepas, 2 hari selepas tragedi santa mencukur jambang.. aku ajak jugak si santa pergi sekali tapi dia terpaksa buat overtime, ye la.. hari krismas ari tu dia tak sempat nak hantar sume hadiah2 tu.. so kepada sesiapa yang rasa diri dia berkelakuan baik sepanjang tahun lepas tu dan belum terima hadiah, jangan bersedih.. santa mungkin mengunjungi rumah2 anda dalam masa terdekat neh.. dan kalau anda nampak dia berjambang, itu bermakna dia memakai jambang palsu.. serius.. aku jumpa dia ari tu selepas dia cukur jambang dia.. bakal pak mertua marah simpan jambang panjang2 dia cakap.. ngahaha.. (cool beb.. aku main2 je..)

hurm.. aku nak cerita detail pun takde idea nie.. so aku post gambar2 je la... gambar kan boleh menceritakan 1001 perkara.. kan2?? so here serba sedikit gambar dengan sedikit cerita dari aku punya perspektif.. ngahaha.. the rest, use your own imagination..

..bukan pekerja2 di Felcra Serigala, tetapi pembancuh2 sirap.. penghilang dahaga..

"ok, cuba awak bacakan saya rukun negara"
"haa.. saya nak kawin nie tok, bukan nak main2!!"
" aku suruh, buat je lah.. kan aku bagi soalan lagi mencabar kan.."
"ok tok, sorry2"

"ok, pass.. skarang cuba tepuk pengakap pulak"
"aiseymen.. saya dulu join PBSM je tok..."
" argh... alasan, ko nak kawin ke tak neh??"
"ok2.. saya try test buat"

"haa.. boleh pun, ok.. aku nikah kan kau.. bla..bla..bla.."
"ok tok.. roger.."
"pehal lu jawab macam tu, ko tak pegi amek kursus kawin ke??"
"laa.. tak boleh ker tok. dah sah tak neh??"
" argh.. banyak umah lagi aku nak pegi neh.. kira sah la.."
"orait bebeh.."

.. telur2 ketua kampung diarak bersama, susah nak cari woo..

"orait bebeh, jom kita membuat onar di dewan sana"
"iye2, tapi slow2 la sikit.. jgn gelojoh sangat.."

.. antara penduduk2 kampung seberang yang hadir menghabiskan lauk-pauk..
..dan baju sama colour ngan langsir (??) adalah sangat tak cool.. ngahaha..


tu je la kot.. malas dah aku nak upload lagi .. ermm, satu lagi..

tah.. rasa ape tah.. ngahahaha... ( aku rasa nama kampung neh amat lawak, dan beritahu aku kalau korang pun rasa macam tu.. so aku tahu aku neh normal..) tapi better than Kg. Balun la... lucah!!

... it's red, and I really want to beat it down so bad..

Monday, December 29, 2008


..baca doa tahun baru..


... ngahaha.. hijrah beb..

11. potong rambut - checked

... little by little

Sunday, December 28, 2008

cow's anatomy : 1

aku dah tak ingat dah apa nak tulis dan juga tak pasti apesal tajuk nie relevent dengan post yg lepas.. haha (kepala ikan itu adalah satu nikmat!!)

tapi tak ape.. make long story short, tajuk tu memang dah tak relevent.. ngahaha


"eh, kg. BALUN laa, dia tinggal kat sini?? kg. BALUN ??"... ma'yo
"ha'ah, dia orang kg. BALUN .."..sipolan

nanti2 la aku citer..


Friday, December 26, 2008

cow's anatomy

since aku memang tak sambut raya krismas, jadi semalam,25 hb, memang aku takde pegi semayang raya la.. haha. stoking2 pun takde aku gantung. Tapi, time onboard selalu jugak la gantung stoking neh.. but damn, selalu memang tak dapat la ape yg aku harap dapat.. dapat telur ayam.. pejadah la kan?? kat pantry berlambak.. bangsat punya santa..

Tapi semalam jugak hari yg paling awal aku bangun tidur since aku balik hari tu.. serius!! sebelum azan subuh aku dah bangun, dan ini memang amat jarang berlaku.. amat jarang sekali.. selalunya sebelum azan zohor la... dan kebanyakannya sebelum azan asar.. erk.. , aku pun mula2 konfius jugak la, apasal aku set alarm awal sangat?? then baru aku ingat, hari ni aku kena pergi Besut, aku nak tengok 'santa' bertunang. Then sekali lagi perkara aneh berlaku, memang aneh bagi aku yang belum berbini neh. Mandi sebelum subuh... ngahaha.. bukan apa, aku taknak buang masa.. kalau korang fikir benda lain, korang memang lucah.. hahaha

Gila detail la aku citer.. hahaha.. lantak, aku takde benda nak buat neh.. so, lepas mandi, solat subuh then minum teh perisa strawberry ( aku punya pun tak habis lagi la.. vanilla je dah abis) aku gerak pegi ambik Piyang. Then patah balik ke Dungun, breakfast dulu.. pukul 8 lebih baru gerak dari Dungun. Dan, sepanjang perjalanan ke Besut tu hujan mencurah-curah.. aku rasa cermin depan kereta aku tu dah nipis 0.5mm la sekarang.. yer la.. tak berhenti2 wiper tu.. haha

ok.. dalam kereta tu macam2 la aku borak dengan si piyang.. dan topik kitaorang merangkumi sume aspek la.. bukan takat sembang2 kote je la.. tentang hidup, tentang ekonomi, tentang masyarakat, harga minyak, harga rumah, dunia, norman hakim, vanida imran dan macam2 la..
yang paling menarik bagi aku bila piyang start this conversation.. not exact words la..

"aduh amir, kalu kawin time nie lagi beh, time2 ujang nie.. pergh..."..piyang
"hurm??".. aku

lebih kurang 32 seconds kemudian..

"hahahahaha".. aku

... kalau korang tak dapat, korang memang lembab dari aku dan juga mungkin korang tak cukup lucah..

menarik bagi aku sebab conversation tersebut dapat menjawab persoalan aku selama ini.. dan lepas ini, kalau ada manusia2 yang nak kawin musim2 tengkujuh neh.. aku akan senyum macam kerang busuk.. hahaha.. aku dah tahu dah pesal...

dah... nanti aku sambung.. panjang lagi citernya.. dan tajuk nie memang relevent..

identiti santa terpaksa dirahsiakan takut diserbu fanatik2.. janggalkan Santa tanpa jambang??..

"ala.. tak payah susah2 telur ayam kampung.. telur ketua kampung pun boleh.."
"relaks bro.. gua baru bertunang bro.. telur2 neh belum relevent lagi.."

... still in denial

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

mode : gloomy

I still recall the taste of your tears
Echoing your voice just like the ringing in my ears
My favorite dreams of you still wash ashore
Scraping through my head 'till I don't want to sleep

You make this all go away
You make this all go away
I'm down to just one thing
And i'm starting to scare myself
You make this all go away
You make this all go way
I just want something
I just want something I can never have

You always were the one to show me how
Back then I couldn't do the things that I can do now
This thing is slowly taking me apart
Gray would be the colour if I had a heart
Come on, tell me

In this place it seems like such a shame
Though it all looks different now
I know it's still the same
Everywhere I look you're all I see
Just a fading fucking reminder of who I used to be
Come on, tell me!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

untitled #1

I felt down again but I can't complaint
another false step could drive me insane
I'm only got myself here to blame
so I shake up the feeling and start again

hold on, I say I want to come back
but I can't run ashore and need to stay on track
yeah, I make a deal like that
I keep my head up but I never react

erk.. to be continue..

.. cause it's just dark enough in here to be confusing..

Friday, December 19, 2008

Penghadaman gula2 getah

aku still lagi dlm proses penghadaman nie.. hahaha.. mmg susah siot.. reality mmg suck.. tapi relax.. aku kan ma`yo.. ma`yo can handle this.. hahaha.. gua kan slamber..

so, mcm mana aku nak handle benda nie??

1. Tidur lebih setengah hari - checked
2. Bersosial - checked
3. Shopping ( hahaha.. mcm betina, beli brg org laa..) - checked
4. Driving tanpa tempat tujuan - checked
5. Naik moto tanpa tempat tujuan ( ala.. cam gila2 remaja tu la, tp aku tak bawak la beg mcm faizal hussin tu.. dan tak la sampai berhari2. sehari jer... erk.. tak2, setengah ari jer sbb tengah hari aku balik umah.. lapor aku tengok hari mcm nak hujan) - checked
6. Diving - tggu weather ok dulu
7. Bungee jump - pass
8. Maryjane - pass
9. Sembahyang - weh.. tiap2 ari buat la..
10. Melompat2 - checked
11. Potong rambut - erk.. pass dulu
12. Photo hunting - checked

ermm.. tu je la setakat ni yg ade dlm kepala aku.. hahaha.. tolong tambah pun ok.. dan ini pulak aku punya losing anthem .. untuk berapa lama aku pun tak tahu la, sekejap jer kot.. ala.. aku kan ma`yo.. sekejap je nie, aku harap la.. hahaha..

..still gonna watch you from a distance, just to see you glow, making sure you glow..

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Get even??.. nah..

Maybe you had read this somewhere, but in account of sharing, i paste it here for everyone who didn't read this before. i don`t know if this really happen but in all reality, I don't really think a plan like this would pan out, but the story is definitely good for a laugh! ( ermm.. i don't know whose work is this to give a credit )

Are You Having a Bad Day?

For all of you who occasionally have a really bad day when you just need to take it out on someone, don't take that bad day out on someone you know.

Instead, take it out on someone unfriendly who you don't know!

Now get this. I was sitting at my desk, when I remembered a phone call I had to make. I found the number and dialed it.

A man answered nicely saying, "Hello?"

I politely said, "This is Patrick Hannifin and could I please speak to Robin Carter?"

Suddenly, the phone was slammed down on me! I couldn't believe that anyone could be that rude.

I tracked down Robin's correct number and called her. I had transposed the last two digits incorrectly.

After I hung up with Robin, I spotted the wrong number still lying there on my desk. I decided to call it again.

When the same person once more answered, I yelled "You're a jackass!" and hung up.

Next to his phone number I wrote the word "jackass," and put it in my desk drawer.

Every couple of weeks, when I was paying bills or had a really bad day, I'd call him up.

He'd answer, and I'd yell, "You're a jackass!"

It would always cheer me up.

Later in the year, the phone company introduced caller ID.

This was a real disappointment for me; I would have to stop calling the jackass.

Then, one day, I had an idea.

I dialed his number, then heard his voice, "Hello."

I made up a name. "Hi, this is Mike Smith with the sales office of the telephone company and I'm just calling to see if you're familiar with our caller ID program?"

He went, "No!" and slammed the phone down.

I quickly called him back and said, "That's because you're a jackass!"

The reason I took the time to tell you this story is to show you how if there's ever anything really bothering you, you can do something about it -- just dial my good ol' friend, the jackass, at 555-1111.

[Keep reading! It gets better.]

An old lady at the mall really took her time pulling out of the parking place. I didn't think she was ever going to leave.

Finally, she got the car in reverse and she began to move ... very slowly backing out of the slot.

I backed up a little more to give her plenty of room to pull out.

Great, I thought, she's finally leaving.

All of a sudden this black Camaro comes flying up the parking aisle in the wrong direction and pulls into her space.

I started honking my horn and yelling, "You can't just do that, Buddy. I was here first!"

The guy climbed out of his Camaro completely ignoring me. He walked toward the mall as if he didn't even hear me.

I thought to myself, "This guy's a jackass!" There sure a lot of jackasses in this world.

Then I noticed he had a "For Sale" sign in the back window of his car. I wrote down the number then hunted for another place to park.

A couple of days later, I'm at home sitting at my desk. I had just gotten off the phone after calling 555-1111 and yelling, "You're a jackass!" (It's really easy to call him now since I have his number on speed dial.)

I noticed the phone number of the guy with the black Camaro lying on my desk and thought I'd better call this guy, too.

After a couple rings, someone answered the phone and said, "Hello."

I said, "Is this the man with the black Camaro for sale?"

"Yes, it is."

"Can you tell me where I can see it?"

"Yes, I live at 1802 West 34th street. It's a yellow house and the car's parked right out front."

I said, "What's your name?"

"My name is Don Hansen."

"When's a good time to catch you, Don?"

"I'm home in the evenings."

"Listen Don, can I tell you something?"


"Don, you're a jackass!" And I slammed the phone down.

After I hung up, I added Don Hansen's number to my speed dialer.

For a while, things seemed to be going better for me.

Now, when I had a problem, I had two jackasses to call.

Then, after several weeks of calling the jackasses and hanging up on them, it just wasn't as enjoyable as it used to be.

I gave the problem some serious thought and came up with a solution.

First, I had my phone dial Jackass #1.

A man answered nicely saying, "Hello."

I yelled "You're a jackass!", but I didn't hang up.

The jackass said, "Are you still there?"

I said, "Yeah."

He said, "Stop calling me."

I said, "No."

He said, "What's your name, Pal?"

I said, "Don Hansen."

He said "Where do you live?"

"1802 West 34th Street. It's a yellow house and my black Camaro's parked out front."

"I'm coming over right now, Don. You'd better start saying your prayers."

"Yeah, like I'm really scared, Jackass!" and I hung up.

Then I called Jackass #2.

He answered, "Hello."

I said, "Hello, Jackass!"

He said, "If I ever find out who you are..."

"You'll what?"

"I'll kick your butt."

"Well, here's your chance. I'm coming over right now, Jackass!" And I hung up.

Then I picked up the phone and called the police. I told them I was at 1802 West 34th Street and that I was going to kill my brother-in-law as soon as he got home.

I made another quick call to Channel 13 about the gang war going down on West 34th Street.

After that, I climbed into my car and headed over to 34th Street to watch the whole thing.

Glorious! Watching two Jackasses throwing punches and kicking one another in front of 6 squad cars, a police helicopter, and channel 13 news cameras!!!

It was one of the greatest experiences of my life!

..Those who are not able to laugh at themselves, those who are not able to see a certain human comedy and how it deserves to be laughed at loudly, are too wounded, or too old, or can be rightly suspicious of having a primary mind. Just my thought..

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Seriusly, Monsoon Cup!!

Pagi tadi aku bangun tengok air 'longkang' dah surut dah.. yeah!! then, out of curiosity, i asked my self.. "bagus sangat ke Monsoon Cup nie sampai 'diorang' sanggup habiskan duit untuk event nie daripada besarkan parit kat umah aku neh??".. erm.. dan + kebosanan duduk kat umah, aku roger Amir.. ajak turun ke Pulau Duyung.. (sorry pyang, jln KJ horror siot..)

so, here the rest..




Don't know what they cheering for..

World Tour Champ..


Piala la.. xkan buah kurma plak kot..

yea.. it's your alright..

bole ko tahan bau.. ko selesema ape??


MISC huh..

erk!!.. alhamdulilah..

ni tak bau.. huahuahua..

" aku bukan ape, dia punya kapal kecik sangat, tu yg aku tak masuk tu.."

" mung buleh menda?"..a
"buleh la d'ere kecik ni 5"..b
"doh nok wak mende ngan d'ere tu"..a
"aku nok jual kat ebay!!"...b

... apa dapat aku pun tak tahu..

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Monsoon cup!!

kalau ikut mmg nak join, tp dah besar la kot..haha.. air longkang tu!!

fiber on stand-by..


kalau ikut plan, aku ingat nak pegi tengok monsoon cup hari nie. Bangun subuh, air longkang sudah penuh... argh.. pegi check tali air.. dah hampir melimpah.. skali lagi.. argh.. so tak jadi ke kuala trg.. stand-by kat umah.. takut air makin naik..

tp ape2 hal pun, mmg aku dah lama tak main banjir.. bukan mintak, tapi ok la kan 'skali skala'.. nak mengankut barang tu yg malas tu.. adeh!! .. hahaha.. monsoon cup?? tahun depan la kot..

... kalau la 'diorang' guna duit utk monsoon cup utk besarkan tali air kat umah aku ni kan lebih bagus..

Friday, December 5, 2008

Hymns in the key of 666

Hellsong's hymns in the key 666 cover..

Take some classic heavy metal song , rework with acoustic guitar + occasional string section + a beatiful female vocal and know what you got?? HELLSONGS .. for me they just pure genius.. here is Metallica's Blackened covered by them.. i don't know about you, me?? i just can't stop rocking my toes!! hahaha..

Thursday, December 4, 2008

how about food?

RM 1.90.. kira orait la kan.. so apa lagi, go to your nearest petrol station.. fill up your tanks.. haha

yup.. harga petrol dah turun balik.. even better, lebih rendah dari harga sebelumnya, RM1.92.. rendah la 2 sen.. kira ok la kan.. takde la membebankan sangat.. kira semangat la sikit nak gi pump station tu..haha. Bila harga dah turun nie, macam mana pulak dengan rebate petrol yg diberi kerajaan tu.. akan diteruskan kah?? bagi aku, baik dihentikan la.. takde reason dah utk bagi rebate tu.. banyak lagi benda yg boleh dibuat dengan duit tu.. contohnya, turunkan harga tol ke, kurangkan cukai rokok ke dan apa2 lagi la yg munasabah.. pandai2 la ko fikir Pak Lah.. bukan kerja aku.. ( sound selfish?? nah.. i`ve done my part, if you know what i mean)

apa2 hal pun, harga barang makan masih tak turun2.. macam mana tu Pak Lah??.. tangki yang ni lagi penting la Pak Lah!!

Monday, December 1, 2008


Steal from anywhere that resonates with inspiration or fuels your imagination.

Devour films, music, books, paintings, poems, photographs, conversations, dreams, trees, architecture, street signs, clouds, light and shadows.

Select only things to steal from that speak directly to your soul. If you do this, you work (and theft) will be authentic.

Authenticity is invaluable.

Originality is non- existent.

Don’t bother concealing your thievery – celebrate it if you feel like it.

Remember what Jean-Luc Godard said:

‘it’s not where you take things from – it’s where you take them to’

… stole this from Paul Arden, whatever you think, think the opposite.